Bye Bye 2024, we are so done with you!
2024 is one for the books! What a trying year it has been! The good, the bad, the ugly!
The good side of everything is, the bees over achieved this year! We brought in the most honey we have ever had. We sold out of Cotton honey but you might still be able to grab a jar from The Honeycomb Pie Shoppe in Lubbock, Texas. We still have plenty of wildflower honey left.
We were able to set up at The Lynn County Harvest Festival and the wonderful Tinsel and Twyne event. We won first place at the South Plains Fair for our Chunk Honey Comb and my Beeswax Luminary. I've managed to revamp some packaging on honey and introduce a few new items. We have sold a ton of honey and I am grateful for everyone who supports us! We also added a new edition to our family, Jaxson. (pictured below)
The bees continue to thrive. I will do splits this Spring and we will expand the apiary by 4 hives plus any swarms and removals that happen. I have also been educating my self on Queen rearing. That's a goal for this year. We love our bees and always hope to continue beekeeping for years to come.
Now for the bad and ugly! My dear husband had a major emergency surgery in June and another major surgery at the end of December. The guy can't catch a break. He's strong so I know he will overcome all of this! It's been a journey we don't want to do again. We lost all three of our beloved dogs this year. They were all well over their life expectancy and when one left it seemed to create a domino effect. I will miss Lyla, Scrappy, and Blackie so much!
Praying for a better year! Bring on 2025 because whatever is dealt we will push through, just like the bees. They never stop, the continue to do what they have to do to get their job done!
We want to thank everyone old and new for your continued support, it means so much to us. The best part about doing this, is the people we meet along our journey. We have made so many new friends that have a curiosity about the bees. We hope to continue to offer great Raw Local Honey and all natural beeswax and honey products for years to come. We couldn't do it without YOU!
If you have any questions always feel free to reach out on Facebook, Instagram, and

Sorry to hear that you’ve been having problems 😕 Prayers for you and your husband. Will you please let me know when you have more honey available. Thank you! Jan Lester