Bee Wild Beeswax Beard Balm
Bee Wild Beeswax Beard Balm
Bee Wild Beeswax Beard Balm
Bee Wild Beeswax Beard Balm
Bee Wild Beeswax Beard Balm
Flying Fancy Bees

Bee Wild Beeswax Beard Balm

Regular price $12.00 $0.00 Unit price per
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Our new Bee Wild Beard Balm is a luxurious blend of organic butters, oils, beeswax (from our bees) and pure essential oils. We use all natural ingredients and lots of love in each small batch we make. The scent is like taking a hike in the wilderness on a cool crisp morning. Scented with a unique blend of Spearmint, Cypress, and Patchouli essential oils. This blend will condition and tame your beard and it is also amazing for your hard working hands. Product comes in a 2 oz. metal tin. 

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